Online tutoring
What if I can’t find a suitable teacher locally?
The tutoring center is too far, and it takes a lot of time on the road. What should I do?
What should I do if I want to get more frequent help from during my studies?
VCE students want to ask questions before the SAC exam, what should I do?
Interactive Learning with our famous teachers AT HOME
Audio and video + whiteboard + notes + screen sharing interaction
Why choose online tutoring:
- Anytime, anywhere can be a classroom, the time and place are more flexible to choose from
- Save travelling time , you can arrange something you like
- If the weather is not good, the inconvenience of transportation will no longer be an excuse for not learning.
- Make full use of multimedia functions during lessons
- Parents can attend the course wherever they are
Our commitment:
- Provide the same excellent teachers
- Provide quality and quantity teaching content
- Personalized customized courses to ensure that each student can achieved success
- Send weekly feedback to parents to help them fully understand student progress